javascript - Problems Adding Commas To Numbers -

i have implemented comma roundnum of display total being moved;

    $.fn.digits = function(){          return this.each(function(){              $(this).text( $(this).text().replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$1,") );          });     };  $('.total').text(roundnum).digits(); 

however cannot seem same actual counter.

$.fn.countto = function(options) {     // merge default plugin settings custom options     options = $.extend({}, $.fn.countto.defaults, options || {});      // how many times update value, , how increment value on each update     var loops = math.ceil(options.speed / options.refreshinterval),         increment = ( - options.from) / loops;      return $(this).each(function() {         var _this = this,             loopcount = 0,             value = options.from,             interval = setinterval(updatetimer, options.refreshinterval);          function updatetimer() {             value += increment;             loopcount++;             $(_this).html(value.tofixed(options.decimals));              if (typeof(options.onupdate) == 'function') {       , value);             }              if (loopcount >= loops) {                 clearinterval(interval);                 value =;                  if (typeof(options.oncomplete) == 'function') {           , value);                 }             }         }     }); };  $.fn.countto.defaults = {     from: 0,  // number element should start @     to: 100,  // number element should end @     speed: 1000,  // how long should take count between target numbers     refreshinterval: 100,  // how element should updated     decimals: 0,  // number of decimal places show     onupdate: null,  // callback method every time element updated,     oncomplete: null,  // callback method when element finishes updating };   $('.timer').countto({     from: 0,     to: roundnum,     speed: speed,     refreshinterval: 600,     oncomplete: function() {         console.debug(this);     } }); 

an issue this:


returns string. so, when try add .digits() onto end of it:


it's looking .digits() method on string, not on jquery object because that's $('.total').text(roundnum) returns.

there several possible ways go, depending upon how want work. makes sense make digits() code plain function accepts incoming number or string , returns comma-fied string can this:


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