Cannot pass JSON array to array -

i trying pass json array array called array can query array submission_id value 27 obtain safety_rating_id, schedule_job_id, score , submission_id json i'm being thrown error

cannot convert value of type '[json]' expected argument type 'json'

code pass json array:

var array: [json] = []  func gettask(oncompletion: () -> (), onerror: ((nserror) -> ())? = nil) {       guard let endpoint = data.sharedinstance.weeklyendpoint  else { print("empty endpoint"); return }      alamofire.request(.get, endpoint, encoding: .json)         .validate()         .responsejson { response in          switch response.result {          case .success:             if let value = response.result.value {                 let json = json(value)                 (_,subjson):(string, json) in json {                     if let date = subjson["start_date"].string{                = date                     }                     if let building = subjson["building_name"].string{                         self.building = building                     }                     if let jobid = subjson["schedule_job_id"].int {                         self.jobidarray.append(jobid)                     }                      if let tasks = subjson["tasks"].array{                         tasks.sharedinstance.datas = tasks                         building in tasks {                             if let ratings = building["safety_ratings"].array{                                 print(ratings)                                  self.array.append(ratings)                              }                         }                     }                   }                  oncompletion()             }          case .failure(let error):             print("request failed error: \(error)")             onerror?(error)         }     }       } 

append() expects single element (json), ratings array ([json]).

that's error message says.

to append array use appendcontentsof:


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