ruby - Rails partial template with collection not rendering correctly -

i have been troubleshooting error hours , have no idea i’m doing wrong. can’t items collection display individual user. each item belongs single user , each user has many items. right now, partial not rendering on users show view.

if change <%= render partial: "/users/item", collection: @user.items %> <%= render partial: "/users/item", collection: @items %> partial template rendered, items displayed regardless of user belong to. after checking database, each item entry being stored foreign key user_id, isn’t issue.

how correct items display each user? have used partials several times before , i’ve cross-referenced old , new code. can’t see difference , i’m losing mind. i’ve searched general internets, stack overflow, , reviewed rails guides layouts , rendering. i've posted relevant code below , happy post else. please help!


<div>   <h4>item: <%= item.title %></h4>   <p class="item"><%= item.cost %></p> </div> 


<h1>users#show</h1> <p>find me in app/views/users/show.html.erb</p>  <div><%= @user.first_name %></div>  <h3>my list</h3> <%= render partial: "/users/item", collection: @user.items %>  <span>add item&nbsp;<%= link_to image_tag("plus-50.png"), new_user_item_path(@user), class: "items-nved" %> </span> 


class userscontroller < applicationcontroller    before_action :set_user, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy]    def index     @users = user.all     render :index   end    def show     @user = user.find(params[:id])     # @item = item.find(params[:id])     @items = item.all     @item =     @item.user_id =   end    def new     @user =   end    def create     @user =     if       redirect_to new_session_path, method: :get     else       render "new"    end   end    def edit   end    def update   end    def destroy   end    private   def set_user    @user = user.find(params[:id])   end    def user_params     params.require(:user).permit(:first_name, :last_name, :birthday, :city, :state, :email, :password, :password_confirmation)   end end 


class itemscontroller < applicationcontroller    include itemshelper    before_filter :require_login, only: [:new, :create, :update, :destroy]    def index     @current_user = current_user     @items = item.all   end    def show     @user = current_user     @item = item.find(params[:id])   end    def new     @user = current_user     @item =   end    def create     @user = current_user     @item =     @item.user_id = params[:user_id] # set user_id param database current_user id      redirect_to user_item_path(@user, @item)   end    def edit     @user = current_user     @item = item.find(params[:id])   end    def update    @user = current_user    @item = item.find(params[:id])    @item.update(item_params)    redirect_to user_path(@user)   end    def destroy     @user = user.find params[:user_id]     @item = item.find(params[:id])     @item.destroy     redirect_to user_path(@user)   end end  private   def user_params     params.require(:user).permit(:first_name, :last_name, :birthday, :city, :state, :email, :password, :password_confirmation)   end    def require_login     unless logged_in?       flash[:error] = "you must logged in access section"       redirect_to new_login_url # halts request cycle     end   end 

install byebug gem, either running gem install byebug on command line or putting byebug in gemfile (then run bundle install).

put byebug after @user declaration in userscontroller, this:

class userscontroller < applicationcontroller    before_action :set_user, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :destroy]    def index     @users = user.all     render :index   end    def show     @user = user.find(params[:id])     byebug 

then start local server , go user show view in browser. page won't render, because when hits byebug server pauses.

when happens, go terminal , @ server log. waiting commands. type @user , press enter. return?

also try @user.inspect. return user object?

then @user.items. return? if @user.items returns expected collection of items, there wrong how passing view, or you're doing in view.

if @user.items doesn't return collection of items, that's why isn't showing in view! in case, it's activerecord associations and/or migrations.

another possibility current items in database may have been created before had associations setup, won't have user_id. can check in rails console. make sure have items in database have same user_id current_user.

another thing in rails console assign user, think has items, variable eg user = user.first, , user.items. work?

i recommend writing rspec tests, @ least @ model level test proper associations exist. shoulda gem great this.

comment here findings.

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