Test-Kitchen sync files to remote servers -

i've been using test-kitchen locally vagrant run serverspec tests , haven't had major problems. i'm setting ci process test-kitchen, , using kitchen-google gem provision servers , run serverspec test suite.

i have test-kitchen creating servers in gce project correctly, tests failing because necessary files aren't being synced remote server. ideally i'd sync multiple folders home directory of remote machine. along lines of:

"./scripts", "/home/test/" "./scripts2, "/home/test/" 

my .kitchen.gce.yml file below, how can dictate files i'd synced remote machines?

--- driver:   name: gce   project: test-project   email: email@test-project.iam.gserviceaccount.com   machine_type: f1-micro   service_account_name: email@test-project.iam.gserviceaccount.com   tags:     - test-kitchen   service_account_scopes:     - https://www.googleapis.com/auth/compute # full control access google compute engine methods.   zone: us-central1-a  provisioner:   name: chef_zero   require_chef_omnibus: <%= env['chef_version'] || '12.10.24' %>  transport:   name: sftp   username: test   ssh_key:     - ~/.ssh/test-key  platforms:   - name: centos-6     driver:       image_name: centos-6-v20160526   - name: ubuntu-1404     driver:       image_name: ubuntu-1404-trusty-v20160516  verifier:   busser:     sudo: true  suites:   - name: default 

the answer set data_path provisioner setting. had looked previously, in test-kitchen docs mention these files synced, assumed had incorrect setting.

my kitchen.yml file looks like:

provisioner:   data_path: "." # syncs files in path /tmp/kitchen/data   name: chef_zero   require_chef_omnibus: <%= env['chef_version'] || '12.10.24' %> 

the above syncs files in current directory /tmp/kitchen/data.

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