java - HttpServletRequest.getParamter() return null in CXF Restful service(Post) -

i wrote web api using apache cxf. when use httpservletrequest.getparamter() in post method, return code:

@path("/") public class tokenservice extends digiwinbaseservice {      private static void printrequest(httpservletrequest httprequest) {         system.out.println("\n\n headers");         enumeration headernames = httprequest.getheadernames();         while (headernames.hasmoreelements()) {             string headername = (string) headernames.nextelement();             system.out.println(headername + " = " + httprequest.getheader(headername));         }         system.out.println("\n\n parameters");         enumeration params = httprequest.getparameternames();         while (params.hasmoreelements()) {             string paramname = (string) params.nextelement();             system.out.println(paramname + " = " + httprequest.getparameter(paramname));         }         system.out.println("\n\n row data");         system.out.println(extractpostrequestbody(httprequest));     }      private static string extractpostrequestbody(httpservletrequest request) {         if ("post".equalsignorecase(request.getmethod())) {             scanner s = null;             try {                 s = new scanner(request.getinputstream(), "utf-8").usedelimiter("\\a");             } catch (ioexception e) {                 e.printstacktrace();             }             return s.hasnext() ? : "null";         }         return "null";     }      @post     @consumes("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")     public response authorize(@formparam("param") string param,             @formparam("param2") string param2,@context httpservletrequest httprequest) throws oauthsystemexception {         printrequest(httprequest);         system.out.println("param:"+param);         system.out.println("param2:"+param2);                return response.status(httpservletresponse.sc_ok).entity("ok").build();          } } 

here test code

   public class httpclienttest {          public static void main(string[] args) throws exception{              string url4 = "/api/services/test";             string host = "";             httpclient httpclient = new httpclient();             httpclient.gethostconfiguration().sethost(host, 8080, "http");             httpmethod method = postmethod(url4);             httpclient.executemethod(method);                    string response = method.getresponsebodyasstring();             system.out.println(response);         }          private static httpmethod postmethod(string url) throws ioexception{              postmethod post = new postmethod(url);             post.setrequestheader("content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=gbk");               namevaluepair[] param = {                      new namevaluepair("param","param1"),                     new namevaluepair("param2","param2"),} ;             post.setrequestbody(param);             post.releaseconnection();             return post;         }     } 

here print out :

headers content-type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=gbk user-agent = jakarta commons-httpclient/3.1 host = content-length = 26  parameters  row data null  param:param1 param2:param2 

why parameters null? how can post params using httpservletrequest.getparamter()

cxf consuming post data fill formparams.

the resolution "won't fix". in issue, suggest use multivaluedmap recover params, or use httpservletrequest

option 1

@post @consumes("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") public response authorize( multivaluedmap<string, string> parametermap, @context httpservletrequest httprequest) throws oauthsystemexception {      //parametermap has post parameters 

option 2

@post @consumes("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") public response authorize( @context httpservletrequest httprequest) throws oauthsystemexception {     //httprequest.getparametermap() has post parameters 

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