android - Error: cannot find symbol method canDrawOverlays(Context) -
sorry if blatantly obvious issue resolution. can't seem figure out how fix it.
i'm importing.
import android.provider.settings;
and attempting run code snippet below in activities, application, broadcast receivers, etc. works fine in paid version of app. when copy code out free version , paste in(same machine, same sdk) compiler goes red.
boolean candrawoverlays; if(build.version.sdk_int >= 23) { candrawoverlays = settings.candrawoverlays(getapplicationcontext()); }
solved. blatantly obvious. save time , trouble in future of overlooked project setting.
- right click project.
- goto module settings.
- goto compile sdk version.
- set api level appropriate. in case @ level 19 , needed 23 candrawoverlays coming through.
- alternatively open project's build.gradle , set compilesdkversion there.