twitter - Java: First item of Array do not display correctly -
i need compare words tweets , count how many times appear on text. used 2 cycle compare arraylist words , arraylist tweets first word of arraylist words don't display correctly , don't want count. output image supposed champions word count twice
my code is:
read txt words , save on arraylist
public arraylist <string> fread(string dir) throws filenotfoundexception, ioexception { scanner s = new scanner(new file(dir)); arraylist<string> list = new arraylist<string>(); while (s.hasnext()){ list.add(; } s.close(); return list; }
get tweets , save them on arraylist
public arraylist<string> showtimeline() throws twitterexception { list<status> statuses = twitter.gethometimeline(new paging (1,200)); arraylist<string> alltweets=new arraylist<string>(); (status status : statuses) { alltweets.add(status.gettext().replaceall("https[^\\s]+","").tolowercase()); } return alltweets; }
compare 2 arrays:
public arraylist<string> result(arraylist<string>tweets, arraylist<string> palavras){ (int = 0; <palavras.size() ; i++) { int count = 0; (int j = 0; j <tweets.size() ; j++) { if (tweets.get(j).contains(palavras.get(i))){ count++; } } numero.add(count); result.add(palavras.get(i)); } return result; }
and print
for (int = 0; <result.size() ; i++) { system.out.printf("%40s",result.get(i)+" "+numero.get(i)+"\n"); }
static arraylist:
static arraylist<integer> numero = new arraylist<integer>(); static arraylist<string> result = new arraylist<string>();
thanks ! :)
in method
public arraylist<string> result(arraylist<string>tweets, arraylist<string> palavras){ (int = 0; <palavras.size() ; i++) { int count = 0; (int j = 0; j <tweets.size() ; j++) { if (tweets.get(j).contains(palavras.get(i))){ count++; } } numero.add(count); result.add(palavras.get(i)); } return result;
your if-statement finds single result , ends. can fix so
public static arraylist<string> result(arraylist<string>tweets, arraylist<string> palavras){ (int = 0; <palavras.size() ; i++) { int count = 0; (int j = 0; j <tweets.size() ; j++) { boolean isdone = false; //new int tweetchariter = 1; //new while (!isdone){ //new if (tweets.get(j).substring(tweetchariter).contains(palavras.get(i))){ //altered tweetchariter += tweets.get(j).substring(tweetchariter).indexof(palavras.get(i)) +1; //altered count++; } else { //new isdone = true; //new } } } numero.add(count); result.add(palavras.get(i)); } return result; }