stomp - Spring Websocket url hits RequestMapping but not MessageMapping -

i'm having trouble setting websocket configuration in existing web application.

@configuration @enablewebsocketmessagebroker public class websocketconfig extends abstractwebsocketmessagebrokerconfigurer{      @override     public void configuremessagebroker(messagebrokerregistry config) {         config.enablesimplebroker("/mobile");         config.setapplicationdestinationprefixes("/mobile-server");         config.setuserdestinationprefix("/mobile-user");     }      @override     public void registerstompendpoints(stompendpointregistry registry) {         registry.addendpoint("/mobile-socket")         .withsockjs()         .setinterceptors(new httpsessionhandshakeinterceptor());     } } 


@controller public class websocketinboxcontroller{      @messagemapping("/inbox")     @sendtouser("/mobile")     public map<string,object> inbox(     ){          map<string,object> res = new hashmap<>();          res.put("hello", "hello");          return res;     } 


const webstomp = require('webstomp-client');  const socket = webstomp.client('ws://',{   debug:true });  socket.connect('', '123456', (client) => {   console.log('connected');    socket.send("/mobile-server/inbox",)   socket.subscribe("/mobile/inbox"); }, (client, err) => {   console.log(err); }); 

what see when client tries connect spring trying match /mobile-socket against requestmappings of existing web application, hitting 1 matches way of @requestmapping("/{somevar}").

i'm new websockets, expect endpoint registration catchall these kinds of connects?

even after removing erronous requestmapping being hit, can't seem messagemapping hit. see in log

antpathrequestmatcher.matches(150) | request '/mobile-socket' matched universal pattern '/**' [msa] debug [2016-06-03t11:16:21,025] filtersecurityinterceptor.beforeinvocation(219) | secure object: filterinvocation: url: /mobile-socket; attributes: [permitall] [msa] debug [2016-06-03t11:16:21,025] filtersecurityinterceptor.authenticateifrequired(348) | authenticated: principal: anonymoususer; credentials: [protected]; authenticated: true; details: remoteipaddress:; sessionid: null; granted authorities: role_anonymous [msa] debug [2016-06-03t11:16:21,025] affirmativebased.decide(66) | voter:, returned: 1 [msa] debug [2016-06-03t11:16:21,025] filtersecurityinterceptor.beforeinvocation(243) | authorization successful [msa] debug [2016-06-03t11:16:21,026] filtersecurityinterceptor.beforeinvocation(256) | runasmanager did not change authentication object [msa] debug [2016-06-03t11:16:21,026] filterchainproxy.dofilter(325) | /mobile-socket @ position 16 of 16 in additional filter chain; firing filter: 'filtersecurityinterceptor' [msa] debug [2016-06-03t11:16:21,026] filterchainproxy.dofilter(310) | /mobile-socket reached end of additional filter chain; proceeding original chain [msa] debug [2016-06-03t11:16:21,027] exceptiontranslationfilter.dofilter(117) | chain processed [msa] debug [2016-06-03t11:16:21,027] hstsheaderwriter.writeheaders(130) | not injecting hsts header since did not match requestmatcher$securerequestmatcher@53cc2afb [msa] debug [2016-06-03t11:16:21,027] httpsessionsecuritycontextrepository.savecontext(352) | securitycontext empty or contents anonymous - context not stored in httpsession. [msa] debug [2016-06-03t11:16:21,028] securitycontextpersistencefilter.dofilter(120) | securitycontextholder cleared, request processing completed 

the spring tries match "/mobile-socket" against requestmappings because requests go handlermapping beans in web application context map incoming web requests appropriate handlers. introduction of annotated controllers, requestmappinghandlermapping automatically looks @requestmapping annotations on @controller beans including controller has @messagemapping.

since @messagemapping can defined under @controller annotation, spring try match other requestmappings well.

one possible solution introduce interceptor handle websocket request url map particular controller. can give try!

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