c - Converting text to a binary file -

i need convert text file of following format binary:

the first line contains number of products in inventory, following lines contains:
product name '\t' product price '\t' quantity '\n' (there can more 1 \t between columns)

for every product binary output file contain int representing length of product name, chars hold product name, int representing price , int representing quantity.

sample input file:

asus zenbook    1000    10 iphone 5        750     22 playstation 4   1000    0 

i have wrote following code, , understood i'm supposed see string in plain text while integers show gibberish (in binary):

int converttexttobinary(char *filename) {     file *ptext, *pbinary;      int size, i;      char *currprodname;     int currprodnamelen, currquantity, currprice;      if (checkfileexists(filename) == false)     {         printf("- given file not exists!\n");         return error;     }      else         ptext = fopen(filename, "r");      // number of products in inventory     fscanf(ptext, "%d", &size);     #ifdef dbg     printf("##dbg successfuly read &size = %d dbg##\n", size);     #endif       pbinary = fopen(strcat(filename, ".bin"), "wb");      fwrite(&size, sizeof(int), 1, pbinary);     #ifdef dbg     printf("##dbg successfuly wrote &size = %d dbg##\n", size);     #endif       (i = 0; < size; i++)     {         // product name , name length         currprodnamelen = getprodname(ptext, &currprodname);         #ifdef dbg         printf("##dbg %d successfuly read &currprodname = %s dbg##\n", i+1, currprodname);         printf("##dbg %d successfuly read &currprodnamelen = %d dbg##\n", i+1, currprodnamelen);         #endif                   // product price          fscanf(ptext, "%d", &currprice);         printf("##dbg %d successfuly read &currprice = %d dbg##\n", i+1, currprice);         // product quantity         fscanf(ptext, "%d", &currquantity);         printf("##dbg %d successfuly read &currquantity = %d dbg##\n", i+1, currquantity);         // write data binary file         fwrite(&currprodnamelen , sizeof(int), 1, pbinary);         fwrite(&currprodname, sizeof(char), currprodnamelen, pbinary);         fwrite(&currprice, sizeof(int), 1, pbinary);         fwrite(&currquantity, sizeof(int), 1, pbinary);         free(currprodname);     }      fclose(ptext);     fclose(pbinary);     return 1; }  /* function checks if file in given path exists or not using fopen "read" argument */ bool checkfileexists(char *filename) {     file *fp;      fp = fopen(filename, "r");      // file not exists     if (fp == null)         return false;      // file exists     else     {         fclose(fp);         return true;     } } int getprodname(file *fp, char **prodname) {     int namelen = 0, offset;      // count length of product name     while (fgetc(fp) != '\t')         namelen++;      // allcoate memory product name     *prodname = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char)*namelen);     //checkalloc(&prodname);      // cursor original position     offset = -1 * namelen;     fseek(fp, offset, seek_cur);      // copy product name text string     fgets(*prodname, namelen, fp);      return strlen(*prodname); } 

but hell, output file looks this:

       ¨ ּּּּּט        ¨ ּּּ¯        ¨ ּּּּּּּּ   ּּּ«         ¨       

which holds no plain text. have tried changing fopen argument "wb" "w" still gibberish files. doing wrong?

here write pointer , additional garbage instead of string points to:

    fwrite(&currprodname, sizeof(char), currprodnamelen, pbinary); 

you should use:

    fwrite(currprodname, sizeof(char), currprodnamelen, pbinary); 

in version passing pointer pointer, want pass pointer itself.

btw: in function getprodname(), should add additional character, because allocating exact string lenght, no room 0 byte @ end. can cause problems. fgets reads 1 char less. check man page fgets. instead of using fgets, can use fread because know length anyway. no additional parsing needed.


change this:

    fscanf(ptext, "%d", &currquantity); 


    fscanf(ptext, "%d\n", &currquantity); 

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