javascript - Understanding the AngularJS Approach to component-based architecture -

recently dived project using angularjs , found myself in world of mess. having hard time trying understand how angular should applied project.

a little background project, have multiple sections needs loaded @ start. think of spa has tall content multiple sections.

in these sections, i'm trying include components/directives. may contain parent-child components/directives or siblings components/directives.

i love concept of modularising them have no idea how can let them communicate each other. parent-child directives/components, understand can use includes/requires.

but if had sibling components, e.g. preloader , carousel gallery component, can't find way let them talk each other. suspect understanding of approach , architecture totally wrong.

please enlighten me , put me in right direction of how tackle situation.

thanks guys.

since 1.5 there components. can read in docs, should have ins (denoted < binding) , outs (&).

when want 2 sibling components communicate, have parent component assign 1 component's out another's in. see simple example:

angular.module('gyeong', [])    .component('myview', {      template: '<component-a on-some-task-finish="$ctrl.resultfroma = result"></component-a>'               + '<component-b priceless-result="$ctrl.resultfroma"></component-b>'    })    .component('componenta', {      bindings: {        'onsometaskfinish': '&'      },      template: '<p>this component a. {{ $ctrl.mydata ? "have finished loading" : "am loading" }} data.</p>',      controller: function($timeout) {        var self = this;        $timeout(function() {          self.mydata = 'this result';          self.onsometaskfinish({            result: self.mydata          });        }, 2000);      }    })    .component('componentb', {      bindings: {        'pricelessresult': '<'      },      template: '<p>this component b. {{ !$ctrl.pricelessresult ? "am waiting result" : "have received result! " + $ctrl.pricelessresult }}.</p>'    })
<script src=""></script>  <div ng-app="gyeong">    <my-view></my-view>  </div>

of course, there other options (events or services mentioned). preferred 1 (imo) maintains single-responsibility components , not expose internal implementations (you have noticed had given different name same result in each "scope", havent' you?).

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