excel - Vlookup Not working on text between two tables -
this not average vlookup error.
i have 2 power query tables i've setup. 1 coming csv file list of names. other website pulling list of names.
i.e. =john smith = john smith not true reason.
they vlookup should able find name easily. i've tried proper,upper, clean, trimming , text columns , else think of. i've changed data types no avail.
i know 1 query causing issue. can type name , vlookup one, , works. second query doesn't return on typed text.
anyone encounter issue while using power query?
edit: see jeeped's answer - when replace space web query normal space works.
@jeeped's comment has answer:
assuming have trimmed off leading , trailing spaces, 1 of john smith entries (likely 1 web) uses non-breaking space (e.e. char(160) or ascii 0×a0) instead of regular space (e.g char(32) or ascii 0×20). use
=code(mid(a$1, row(1:1), 1))
on both, fill down ascii code each letter , compare numbers.