c# - Animation not Behaving Itself -

i have statusbar textblock item. show process being under taken , status/information messages. if message not 'ready' want text fade away on time, leaving 'ready' when has gone.

i testing this, , have following xaml textblock.

<statusbaritem dockpanel.dock="left" margin="0,2,0,0">     <textblock text="{binding statusmessage}"                 margin="5,0,0,0"                 foreground="white">         <textblock.style>             <style targettype="textblock">                 <style.triggers>                     <datatrigger binding="{binding systemisready,                                             notifyonsourceupdated=true,                                             mode=twoway}"                                   value="false">                         <datatrigger.enteractions>                             <beginstoryboard>                                 <storyboard>                                     <doubleanimation storyboard.targetproperty="opacity"                                                           from="1.0"                                                            to="0.5"                                                            duration="0:0:1.5"/>                                 </storyboard>                             </beginstoryboard>                         </datatrigger.enteractions>                     </datatrigger>                     <datatrigger binding="{binding systemisready,                                             notifyonsourceupdated=true,                                             mode=twoway}"                                   value="true">                         <setter property="opacity" value="1.0"/>                     </datatrigger>                 </style.triggers>             </style>         </textblock.style>     </textblock> </statusbaritem> 

the test method changes text , updates issytemready if status equal 'ready'. binding working animation fade 0.5 opacity seems have fired before application shown , trigger set opacity 1 not working.

why animation/trigger not re-firing?

thanks time.

the animation not re-firing because timeline still running, have stop storyboard allow value reset.

you can use stopstoryboard this, name storyboard call stopstoryboard in enteractions of true datatrigger


<textblock.style>     <style targettype="{x:type textblock}">         <style.triggers>             <datatrigger binding="{binding systemisready, mode=twoway, notifyonsourceupdated=true}"  value="false">                 <datatrigger.enteractions>                     <beginstoryboard name="fadeout">                         <storyboard>                             <doubleanimation storyboard.targetproperty="opacity" from="1.0"  to="0.5"  duration="0:0:1.5"/>                         </storyboard>                     </beginstoryboard>                 </datatrigger.enteractions>             </datatrigger>             <datatrigger binding="{binding systemisready, mode=twoway, notifyonsourceupdated=true}" value="true">                 <setter property="opacity" value="1.0"/>                 <datatrigger.enteractions>                     <stopstoryboard beginstoryboardname="fadeout" />                 </datatrigger.enteractions>             </datatrigger>         </style.triggers>     </style> </textblock.style> 

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