python - ImportError on Heroku django-registration-redux -

i have no problem apps when it's running locally. it's happen on heroku. deployed app heroku when open (my debug still true) give me importerror no module named forms comes from registration.forms import registrationformuniqueemail. have confusing bout because when start heroku run python shell , doing import from registration.forms import registrationformuniqueemail it's nothing error.

enter image description here

from myapp.forms import customregistrationform registration.backends.default.views import registrationview  urlpatterns = [      url(r'^register/$', logout_required(registrationview.as_view(form_class=customregistrationform)), name='registration_register'),      url(r'^', include('registration.backends.default.urls')), ] 


from registration.forms import registrationformuniqueemail .validators import forbiddenusernamesvalidator  class customregistrationform(registrationformuniqueemail):     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):         super(customregistrationform, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)         self.fields['username'].validators.append(forbiddenusernamesvalidator) 


from django.contrib.auth.models import user django.core.exceptions import validationerror  def forbiddenusernamesvalidator(value):     forbidden_usernames = ['admin', 'settings', 'news', 'about', 'help', '........']     if value.lower() in forbidden_usernames:         raise validationerror('this username forbidden.')     if len(value) < 4:         raise validationerror('username must have @ least 4 characters.') 

here's app here.


did follow guide here install django-registration-redux? part:

installed_apps = (     'django.contrib.sites',     'registration', #should above 'django.contrib.auth'     'django.contrib.auth',     # ...other installed applications... ) 

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