jquery - Javascript :not selector not working -

i have javascript / jquery wraps every 2 <td> elements <div class="table-half">, state in variable not want take effect if table has #profilecontent parent.

var divs = $("div:not('#profilecontent') table.form tr td"); for(var = 0; < divs.length; i+=2) {     divs.slice(i, i+2).wrapall("<div class='table-half'></div>"); } 

however, reason wrapping still takes place html in structure:

<div id='profilecontent'>     <table width="100%" class="form">         <tr>             <td></td>             <td></td>         </tr>     </table> </div> 

any ideas why?

the reason it's not working because table nested in multiple levels of div, , selector written match table that's descendant of div. parent matches id, :not excludes it, grandparent not have id, it's it's not excluded.

instead of putting :not around div id, put around selector table itself.

var divs = $("table.form:not(#clientsummarycontainer table) tr td");
.color {    background-color: green;  }
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  <table width="100%" class="form">                <tbody>                  <tr>                    <td colspan="2" class="fieldarea" style="text-align:center;"><strong>domains</strong></td>                  </tr>                  <tr>                    <td align="center">                      <div class="tablebg">                        <table class="datatable" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3">                          <tbody>                            <tr>                              <th width="20">                                <input type="checkbox" id="domainsall">                              </th>                              <th>id</th>                              <th>domain</th>                              <th>registrar</th>                              <th>registration date</th>                              <th>next due date</th>                              <th>expiry date</th>                              <th>status</th>                          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<th>date</th>                              <th>total</th>                              <th>valid until date</th>                              <th>status</th>                              <th width="20"></th>                            </tr>                            <tr>                              <td colspan="7">no records found</td>                            </tr>                          </tbody>                        </table>                      </div>                    </td>                  </tr>                </tbody>              </table>              <div class="btn-container">                <div class="button-container">                  <input type="button" id="massupdateitems" value="mass update items" class="button btn btn-default" onclick="$('#massupdatebox').slidetoggle()">                  <input type="submit" name="inv" value="invoice selected items" class="button btn btn-warning">                  <input type="submit" name="del" value="delete selected items" 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