office365 - How to get AppKey using Microsoft Graph API -

i'm creating new application using


i can appid back, can't find way appkey. access app later using application credentials.

update: send password credential during application creation:

  newappobj.passwordcredentials = new list<aobj.azurepasswordcredential>(){             new aobj.azurepasswordcredential()             {                 customkeyidentifier = "t1rexhnmuumvqimnbpkirw==",                 keyid = guid.newguid().tostring(),                 value = "wgjbf8vg3gm1xrgpc43fvtio7scptgwh0jd6cjird40dcx3kp8lmlcdcrrepbridi4cxw1ocnsqjqxozx+oiuw==",                 startdate ="2016-06-01t13:59:30z",// datetimeoffset.utcnow,                 enddate = "2017-06-02t13:59:30z"//datetimeoffset.utcnow.addyears(2)             }         }; 

when generate authorization token using secret key set before value, response back, when trying use call microsoftgraph api:

    {   "error": {     "code": "authorization_identitynotfound",     "message": "the identity of calling application not established.",     "innererror": {       "request-id": "42d3f97d-5ccb-4680-a6c2-dceb160d19c7",       "date": "2016-06-02t21:03:31"     }   } } 

when create secret key manually via azure portal, api call works fine.

update 2:

so, turned out post create application didn't create underlying serviceprincipal object. had create after application created.

 var serviceprincipal = o365outlookclient.getserviceprincipalforapp(inonboardingtoken, createdappobj.appid);                if (serviceprincipal== null || serviceprincipal.appid==null)                {                    var serviceprincipalobj = new aobj.azureserviceprincipal();                    serviceprincipalobj.appid = createdappobj.appid;                    serviceprincipalobj.displayname = createdappobj.displayname;                    serviceprincipalobj.accountenabled = true;                    var serviceprincipaljson = o365outlookclient.postserviceprincipalsync(inonboardingtoken, serviceprincipalobj);                } 

application password credentials need generated , set (either when create application, or later patch application). can generating strong random value, creating passwordcredential , adding passwordcredentials collection:

{   /* ... */   "passwordcredentials": [     {       "customkeyidentifier": "t1rexhnmuumvqimnbpkirw==",       "enddate": "2016-06-02t13:59:30z",       "keyid": "e4003ae7-15be-487a-92d7-5d75aafdb4dc",       "startdate": "2016-06-02t13:59:30z",       "value": "wgjbf8vg3gm1xrgpc43fvtio7scptgwh0jd6cjird40dcx3kp8lmlcdcrrepbridi4cxw1ocnsqjqxozx+oiuw=="     }   ]   /* ... */ } 

customkeyidentifier base64-encoded byte array (can whatever want), keyid newly-generated guid, , startdate , enddate dates in password credential valid. actual secret key stored in value.

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