java - HashMap in ArrayList viewing on Listview Android -

all code far:

i putting string want show on screen in list of hardlist.(getdestinationcity , gettotalprice) see gettotalprice values on screen. getdestinationcity field empty. guess show values (gettotalprice) on screen except keys (getdestinationcity).

how can figure out?

    public class mainactivity extends appcompatactivity {       list<hashmap<string, string>> hardlist = new arraylist<hashmap<string, string>>();              string gettotalprice = null;             string getdestinationcity = null;             listview lv;             listadapter listadapter;          @override             protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {                 super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);                 setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main);                 lv= (listview)findviewbyid(;                  deserilaze();                  string[] = new string[]{getdestinationcity, gettotalprice};                 int[] = new int[]{,};                  listadapter = new simpleadapter(this, hardlist,  r.layout.list_item, from, to);                  lv.setadapter(listadapter);         }             public void deserilaze(){                  gson gson = new gson();                  airjson airjson = gson.fromjson(airfulljson, airjson.class);                  (itinerary itini : airjson.getresult().getitineraries()) {         //            system.out.println("\n");                     string getselectionid = itini.getselectionid();                     gettotalprice = itini.getpriceinfo().getpricebreakdown().gettotalprice().tostring();                     string getcurrency = itini.getpriceinfo().getcurrency();          //            system.out.println("itinerary: " + "\n" + getselectionid + "\n" + gettotalprice + "\t" + getcurrency);                       (trip tripin : itini.gettrips()) {                         getdestinationcity = tripin.getdestinationcity();                         string getorigincity = tripin.getorigincity();                         string getvalidatingcarrier = tripin.getvalidatingcarrier();                         string getdeparturetime = tripin.getdeparturetime();                         string getarrivaltime = tripin.getarrivaltime();          //                system.out.println("trip: " + "\n" + getdestinationcity + "\n" + getorigincity + "\n" + getvalidatingcarrier + "\n" +         //                        getdeparturetime + "\n" + getarrivaltime);                          (segment segmenti : tripin.getsegments()){                              string getsegmentorigin = segmenti.getdeparturetime();                             string getsegmentdestination = segmenti.getarrivaltime();          //                    system.out.println("segment: " + "\n" + getsegmentorigin + "\n" + getsegmentdestination);                          }                      }                      hashmap<string, string> list = new hashmap<string, string>();                     list.put(getdestinationcity, gettotalprice);                      hardlist.add(list);                  }              } } 

this debug result

i think should this:

//these names of columns string[] = new string[]{"destinationcity", "totalprice"}; ... //you associate key destinationcity value getdestinationcity list.put("destinationcity", getdestinationcity); //you associate key totalprice value gettotalprice list.put("totalprice", gettotalprice); 

so have list of maps, each map having 2 entries (so having 2 key , associated values).
also, read meaning of simpleadapter constructor parameters:

@param context context view associated simpleadapter running
@param data list of maps. each entry in list corresponds 1 row in list. maps contain data each row, and should include entries specified in "from"
@param resource resource identifier of view layout defines views list item. layout file should include @ least named views defined in "to"
@param from list of column names added map associated each item.
@param to views should display column in "from" parameter. these should textviews. first n views in list given values of first n columns in parameter.

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