javascript - Return 3 closest locations to a users location (geolocation) and list those locations for them -


i working on website/app built html/css/javascript use geolocation (google maps api) find users location (geolocation) , return them, example, top 5 closest water parks them @ location @ able navigate 1 of locations. using google fusion tables return results them.


i have been able successfully...

  • find users location , put marker there (using map api/geolocation)
  • return 3 out of 5 locations , put markers down 3 (i used fusion tables & limited results 3)

i want able to…

  1. return 3 closest locations user (i.e. calculate distance users location nearest water park)
  2. put "sidebar" or list of 3 locations, detailing name, address, , other fields in fusion table

i made fiddle below code have far. code below fusion table query, assume need make changes in order 3 closest locations (question #1). question #2, listing locations, might use of code have in fiddle.

var base_query = {     select: 'location',     from: '1msmdovwlknnrtknmoef2djcc3rp_gymuen4fgnc',     limit: 3 };  var ftlayer = new google.maps.fusiontableslayer({     map: map,     query: $.extend({}, base_query) });  var infowindow = new google.maps.infowindow(); var marker, i; (i = 0; < base_query.length; i++) {     marker = new google.maps.marker({         position: new google.maps.latlng(base_query[i][1], base_query[i][2]),         map: map     });      google.maps.event.addlistener(marker, 'click', (function (marker, i) {         return function () {             infowindow.setcontent(base_query[i][0]);   , marker);         }     })(marker, i)); };  var signchange = function () {     var options = {         query: $.extend({}, base_query)     }; };

any appreciated. have been doing research on question time, whatever reason not able piece together. help/resources appreciated!

related 1. (2. has been answered in comments geocodezip)

use spatial_relationship in orderby-option of base_query.

orderby: 'st_distance(coordinates, latlng(lat,lng)) 

...where lat , lng has populated values returned navigator.geolocation(what means must create layer or @ least set query layer in callback of navigator.geolocation.getcurrentposition)