python - How to use file as a Queue -

i need use file queue don't know how start (also other aproach welcome), because have non-secure transmission between device , computer, , need data saved until sent , recieved. data list holds same type , amount of elements. imagine file structure:

file data 0 <- send_pointer  data 1 data 2 data 3         <- new_item 

so code like:

while true:     data = data_gather()     file.write(data, new_item)     new_item += 1     x =     if send_function(x):         file.delete(send_pointer)         send_pointer += 1     else:         print('error sending x') 

i hope understand issue, english not best.

edit installed module:

but don't know how use well. can't find way delete data have read file.


edit 2 solved pqueue.

#!/usr/bin/python import time  offset = 0 while true:     infile=open("./log.txt")     line in infile:         print line //     offset=infile.tell()     infile.close()     time.sleep(10) 

only updates log.txt printed using method

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