java - Issue when deploying application to GlassFish Server - mapping issue? -
i'm trying deploy application glassfish server environment. i've set glassfish creates connection pool postgresql database on server (not localhost) database located. test connection , try deploy application. fails java.lang.runtimeexception: ejb container initialization
error, , error log contains following: (put here due size). there other warnings above these, referred tables existing.
as according this, thought required sun-cmp-mappings.xml
file (the 1 assume necessary correct mapping) automatically generated upon deployment, seems wrong. shed light on situation?
my apologies if not absolute best part of se post this, related development tools , did see number of related posts.
your error log indicates trying create table(s) double datatype. in postgresql, datatype called "double precision". happens if revise table definition use "double precision" instead?