ios - performSegueWithIdentifier: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value -
i wish allow selecting row whereby, action outlined below occur:
override func tableview(tableview: uitableview, didselectrowatindexpath indexpath: nsindexpath) { tableview.deselectrowatindexpath(indexpath, animated: true) // ensure controller knows dataset pull from, // detail view correct var friendchat: friend! friendchat = mappedfriends[indexpath.row] // set conditional cases: if friend chat, if user friend request if not user can invite them: if(friendchat.statussort == 2) { var controller : individualchatcontroller! print( controller.friendchat? = friendchat controller.senderid? = global.sharedinstance.userid controller.senderdisplayname? = global.sharedinstance.username self.performseguewithidentifier("showindividualchat",sender: controller) } else if (friendchat.statussort == 1) { print("can invite friend") } else if (friendchat.statussort == 0) { print("invite feast") } }
however, during assignment, of:
controller.friendchat? = friendchat controller.senderid? = feastglobal.sharedinstance.userid controller.senderdisplayname? = feastglobal.sharedinstance.username
the error: fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping optional value
why occur? how can alleviated?
you declaring, not assigning value variable controller
var controller : individualchatcontroller!
you making promise not nil setting type implicitly unwrapped optional exclamation mark, i.e. individualchatcontroller!
however, promise not kept, because no value assigned , in fact nil @ time code runs:
controller.friendchat? = friendchat
this why getting fatal error.
the fix assign value controller
var when declare it. example:
var controller:individualchatcontroller = individualchatcontroller()