qml - Can't get QtQuick AnimatedImage gif file to show in release version but works in debug -
i trying deploy application uses pic.gif animatedimage. code works debug not release.
i have qml files , main.cpp in folder called demo. have pictures in subfolder called images. have added qml , pic files resources error when executing release version qtcreator: qml animatedimage: error reading animated image file qrc:///images/bear_claw.gif.
here qml.qrc:
<qresource prefix="/"> <file>demo.qml</file> <file>animatedengine.qml</file> <file>images/bear_claw.gif</file> </qresource>
here animatedengine.qml: ` import qtquick 2.1
rectangle { color: backgroundcolor focus: activefocus animatedimage { id: sprite anchors.centerin: parent source: "images/bear_claw.gif" } }
i know novice issue , have tried many of recommended fixes found here , in other places adding alias in .qrc file , changing source have qrc:///, images/images/pic.gif etc none of recommendations solve problem. think has more environment variable setting or something. running qt5.6.0/5.6/mingw49_32.
thanks in advance can give me.
every time modify of .qrc file need call qmake. have every time add or remove files project. problably have done debug forgot release. choose build -> run qmake , try run project.