wordpress - Conditional execution of function by post date -
below code need executed on posts till particular date, eg. november 11, 2015.
i know if...else condition, don't have idea how create condition. kind of appreciated...
so in fact /this wordpress/ need "format" in way posts till particular date, , posts newer date excluded function below:
function user_content_replace($content) { $sentences_per_paragraph = 3; // settings $pattern = '~(?<=[.?!…])\s+~'; // punctuation , trailing space(s) $sentences_array = preg_split($pattern, $content, -1, preg_split_no_empty); // sentences array $sentences_count = count($sentences_array); // count sentences $output = ''; // new content init // see php modulus for($i = 0; $i < $sentences_count; $i++) { if($i%$sentences_per_paragraph == 0 && $i == 0) { //divisible settings , first $output .= "<p>" . $sentences_array[$i] . ' '; // add paragraph , first sentence } elseif($i%$sentences_per_paragraph == 0 && $i > 0) { //divisible settings , not first $output .= "</p><p>" . $sentences_array[$i] . ' '; // close , open paragraph, add first sentence } else { $output .= $sentences_array[$i] . ' '; // concatenate other sentences } } $output .= "</p>"; // close last paragraph echo $output; } add_filter('the_content','user_content_replace', 99);
function user_content_replace($content) { global $post; if (strtotime($post->post_date) <= strtotime('11.11.2015')) { $sentences_per_paragraph = 3; // settings $pattern = '~(?<=[.?!…])\s+~'; // punctuation , trailing space(s) $sentences_array = preg_split($pattern, $content, -1, preg_split_no_empty); // sentences array $sentences_count = count($sentences_array); // count sentences $output = ''; // new content init // see php modulus ($i = 0; $i < $sentences_count; $i++) { if ($i % $sentences_per_paragraph == 0 && $i == 0) //divisible settings , first { $output .= "<p>" . $sentences_array[$i] . ' '; // add paragraph , first sentence } elseif ($i % $sentences_per_paragraph == 0 && $i > 0) //divisible settings , not first { $output .= "</p><p>" . $sentences_array[$i] . ' '; // close , open paragraph, add first sentence } else { $output .= $sentences_array[$i] . ' '; // concatenate other sentences } } $output .= "</p>"; // close last paragraph return $output; } else { return $content; } } add_filter('the_content', 'user_content_replace', 99);