javascript - Spring MVC + AngularJS + JWT Token Expiration - HowTo -

i ensure json web tokens revoked/expire after configurable ammount of time , have following set up:

security filter:

import; import io.jsonwebtoken.jwts; import yourwebproject2.service.userservice; import org.apache.commons.lang.stringutils; import org.slf4j.logger; import org.slf4j.loggerfactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.autowired; import org.springframework.web.filter.onceperrequestfilter;  import javax.servlet.filterchain; import javax.servlet.servletexception; import javax.servlet.http.httpservletrequest; import javax.servlet.http.httpservletresponse; import; import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.list; import java.util.regex.pattern;  /**  * @author: kameshr  */ public class jwttokenauthfilter extends onceperrequestfilter {     private static list<pattern> auth_routes = new arraylist<>();     private static list<string> no_auth_routes = new arraylist<>();     public static final string jwt_key = "jwt-token-secret";      static {         auth_routes.add(pattern.compile("/api/*"));         no_auth_routes.add("/api/user/authenticate");         no_auth_routes.add("/api/user/register");     }      private logger log = loggerfactory.getlogger(jwttokenauthfilter.class);      @autowired     private userservice userservice;      @override     protected void dofilterinternal(httpservletrequest request, httpservletresponse response,                                     filterchain filterchain) throws servletexception, ioexception {         string authorizationheader = request.getheader("authorization");         string authenticationheader = request.getheader("authentication");         string route = request.getrequesturi();          // no auth route matching         boolean needsauthentication = false;          (pattern p : auth_routes) {             if (p.matcher(route).matches()) {                 needsauthentication = true;                 break;             }         }          if(route.startswith("/api/")) {             needsauthentication = true;         }          if (no_auth_routes.contains(route)) {             needsauthentication = false;         }          // checking whether current route needs authenticated         if (needsauthentication) {             // check authorization header presence             string authheader = null;             if (authorizationheader == null || authorizationheader.equalsignorecase("")) {                 if (authenticationheader == null || authenticationheader.equalsignorecase("")) {                     authheader = null;                 } else {                     authheader = authenticationheader;           "authentication: " + authenticationheader);                 }             } else {                 authheader = authorizationheader;       "authorization: " + authorizationheader);             }              if (stringutils.isblank(authheader) || !authheader.startswith("bearer ")) {                 throw new authcredentialsmissingexception("missing or invalid authorization header.");             }              final string token = authheader.substring(7); // part after "bearer "             try {                 final claims claims = jwts.parser().setsigningkey(jwt_key)                         .parseclaimsjws(token).getbody();                 request.setattribute("claims", claims);                  // since authentication process if finished                 // move request forward                 filterchain.dofilter(request, response);             } catch (final exception e) {                 throw new authenticationfailedexception("invalid token. cause:"+e.getmessage());             }         } else {             filterchain.dofilter(request, response);         }     } } 

method creates authentication token:

string token = jwts.builder().setsubject(user.getemail())                 .claim("role", user.getrole().name()).setissuedat(new date())                 .signwith(signaturealgorithm.hs256, jwttokenauthfilter.jwt_key).compact();         authresp.put("token", token);         authresp.put("user", user); 

above have claims using on jwt , request token revoked after x ammount of time(of inactivity if possible).

how achieve using jwt / spring mvc / angular js / spring security

set expiration token

 string token = jwts.builder()      .setsubject(user.getemail())      .claim("role", user.getrole().name())      .setissuedat(new date())      .setexpiration(expirationdate)       .signwith(signaturealgorithm.hs256, wttokenauthfilter.jwt_key)      .compact(); 

then, parseclaimsjws raise expiredjwtexception if currenttime>expirationdate

to revoke valid token hard technique no easy solutions:

1) maintain blacklist in server , compare each request

2) set small expiration time , issue new token

3) insert login time in token , compare if acomplish criteria

4) remove jwt in client side

ser invalidating client side jwt session

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