amazon web services - AWS IAM Instance Profile to Administer EC2 Instances With that Profile -

i have iam user launches cloudformation stack containing - ec2 instance - iam instance profile associated - iam role

in aws::cloudformation::init block, ec2 instance performs actions require call ec2:* api actions. however, instance should able call these actions instance itself.

the user launches stack has permission attach set of predefined policies , create roles. this

"cloudformationstacklauncher": {   "type": "aws::iam::managedpolicy",   "properties": {     "description": "allows attached entity attach , detach required policies roles creates.",     "policydocument": {       "version": "2012-10-17",       "statement": [         {           "effect": "allow",           "action": [             "iam:attachrolepolicy",             "iam:detachrolepolicy"           ],           "resource": "*",           "condition": {             "arnequals": {               "iam:policyarn": [                 "arn:aws:iam:::policy/instancethatcanmanageitself",                                   ]             }           }         },         {           "effect": "allow",           "action": [             "iam:createrole"           ],           "resource": "*"         }       ]     }   } } 

so need definition policy instancethatcanmanageitself (which needs defined ahead of time user full admin permissions). ideally, like:

    {         "effect": "allow",         "action": [             "ec2:*"         ],         "resource": [             "${ec2:sourceinstancearn}"         ]     } 

but says policy isn't valid because policy variable ec2:sourceinstancearn isn't in format of valid arn. i've tried using tags on ec2 instance , adding conditions policy, doesn't seem work when condition dynamic, this:

   {         "effect": "allow",         "action": [             "ec2:*"         ],         "resource": [             "*"         ],         "condition": {             "stringlike": {                 "ec2:resourcetag/role" : "${aws:userid}"             }         }     } 

in above, i'm dynamically adding tag launched ec2 instance format "roleid:instanceid" defined value specified {aws:userid}, based on description here: approach validates, doesn't work...either because it's dynamic...or because action types aren't supports resourcetag context key maybe...

is there way accomplish this?


resource tag-based authorizations work operations. see, example: ec2 supported iam actions. example, describe operations not supported , have permissioned via separate policy statement.
example of operations support resource tags, attaching/detaching volumes (see same link above supported operations , requirements), following policy work:

{ "version": "2012-10-17", "statement": [             {         "effect": "allow",         "action": [             "ec2:attachvolume",             "ec2:detachvolume"         ],         "resource": "*",         "condition": {             "stringlike": {                 "ec2:resourcetag/policyuser": "${aws:userid}"             }         }     } ] } 

, provided both volume , ec2 instance tagged tag 'policyuser' , value equal role-id:ec2-instance-id (see iam user guide reference policy variables), role-id unique identifier of role, obtained via e.g.

aws iam get-role --role-name rolename 

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