r - Creating lavaan and mirt models permuations of varying size and length -
hoping can offer guidance here.
i'm creating multivariate simulation using simdesign package, varying number of factors items load on each factor. write command identifies number of factors present in factornumbers , assigns appropriate items them (no cross loading). testing combinations of conditions below , more, , have model command acknowledge iterations of differing models, don't have write multiple model statements.
factornumbers<-c(1,2,3,5) itemsperfactor<-c(5,10,30)
what lavaan , mirt looking below:
mirtmodel<-mirt.model(' f1=1-15 f2=16-30 mean=f1,f2 cov=f1*f2') lavmodel <- ' f1=~ item_1 + item_2 + item_3 + item_4 + item_5 + item_6 + item_7 + item_8 + item_9 + item_10 + item_11 + item_12 + item_13 + item_14 + item_15 f2=~ item_16 + item_17 + item_18 + item_19 + item_20 + item_21 + item_22 + item_23 + item_24 + item_25 + item_26 + item_27 + item_28 + item_29 + item_30'
the simdesign package offers example, expand on i'm not sure have know-how:
lavmodel<-paste0('f=~ ', paste0(colnames(dat)[1l], ' + '), paste0(colnames(dat)[-1l], collapse = ' + '))
what single mirt , lavaan command finds number of factors specified in factornumbers command , assigns correct items specified in data itemsperfactor.
edit: model identification pick on factor & item structure in use condition , fill in model identification correct information.
for example:
mirtmodel<-mirt.model(' f1=1-1 f2=6-10 f3=11-15 f4=16-20 f5=21-25 mean=f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 cov=f1*f2*f3*f4*f5')
mirtmodel<-mirt.model(' f1=1-30 f2=31-60 mean=f1,f2 cov=f1*f2')
and corresponding lavaan models.
the essential idea here become efficient @ pasting different strings condition
input simdesign
required construct suitable output string. generating syntax simulations arguably annoying part of simulations, @ least in r there number of helpful string operations.
here's interpretation of looking for.
design <- expand.grid(factornumbers = c(1,2,3,5), itemsperfactor = c(5,10,30)) gen_syntax_mirt <- function(condition){ fn <- with(condition, factornumbers) ipf <- with(condition, itemsperfactor) nitems <- fn * ipf maxloads <- sort(seq(nitems, ipf, length.out = fn)) minloads <- c(1, maxloads[-length(maxloads)] + 1) fnames <- paste0('f', 1:fn) df <- cbind(fnames, ' = ', minloads, '-', maxloads) s1 <- apply(df, 1, paste0, collapse = '') s2 <- paste0('mean = ', paste0(fnames, collapse = ',')) s3 <- paste0('cov = ', paste0(fnames, collapse = '*')) ret <- paste0(c(s1, s2, s3), collapse = '\n') mirt.model(ret) } gen_syntax_mirt(design[1,]) gen_syntax_mirt(design[10,])
the input function single row design
input runsimulation()
, can see here work fine. similar lavaan
's syntax , you'll set.