ios - Is there any dump() like function returns a string? -
i swift's dump() function this,
class myclass { let = "hello" let b = "bye!" init() {} } let myclass = myclass() dump(myclass) // printed out these lines xcode's console /* ▿ myclass #0 - a: hello - b: bye! */
but dump() doesn't return string. prints out console, , returns 1st parameter itself.
public func dump<t>(x: t, name: string? = default, indent: int = default, maxdepth: int = default, maxitems: int = default) -> t
is there dump() function returns string?
/// can send output of standard library's `print(_:to:)` , /// `dump(_:to:)` functions instance of type conforms /// `textoutputstream` protocol instead of standard output. swift's /// `string` type conforms `textoutputstream` already, can capture /// output `print(_:to:)` , `dump(_:to:)` in string instead of /// logging standard output.
let myclass = myclass() var myclassdumped = string() dump(myclass, to: &myclassdumped) // myclassdumped contains desired content. nothing printed stdout.