database - Titan index update takes too long -
even on empty database, creating index in titan 1.0 takes several minutes. time seems exact, suggests there unnecessary delay.
my question this: how shorten or eliminate amount of time titan takes reindex? conceptually, since no work being done time should minimal, not 4 minutes.
(n.b. have been pointed solution makes titan wait full delay without timing out. wrong solution - want eliminate delay entirely.)
the code i'm using setup database scratch is:
graph = ... local cassandra instance ... graph.tx().rollback() // 1. check if index exists mgmt = graph.openmanagement() = mgmt.getgraphindex('byident') if(! i) { // 1a. if index not exist, add idkey = mgmt.getpropertykey('ident') idkey = idkey ? idkey : mgmt.makepropertykey('ident').datatype(string.class).make() mgmt.buildindex('byident', vertex.class).addkey(idkey).buildcompositeindex() mgmt.commit() graph.tx().commit() mgmt = graph.openmanagement() idkey = mgmt.getpropertykey('ident') idx = mgmt.getgraphindex('byident') // 1b. wait index availability if ( idx.getindexstatus(idkey).equals(schemastatus.installed) ) { mgmt.awaitgraphindexstatus(graph, 'byident').status(schemastatus.registered).call() } // 1c. reindex, though db empty. mgmt.updateindex(mgmt.getgraphindex('byident'), schemaaction.reindex).get() mgmt.commit() mgmt.awaitgraphindexstatus(graph, 'byident').status(schemastatus.enabled).call() } else { mgmt.commit() }
it appears updateindex...reindex
call blocks till timeout. known problem or worksformewon'tfix? doing wrong?
edit: disabling reindex, discussed in comments not fix because index not seem become active. see:
warn com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.transaction.standardtitantx - query requires iterating on vertices [(myindexedkey = somevalue)]. better performance, use indexes
the time delay is/was entirely unnecessary , due misuse of titan (though pattern appear in titan 1.0.0 documentation chapter 28).
do not block in transaction!
instead of:
mgmt = graph.openmanagement() idkey = mgmt.getpropertykey('ident') idx = mgmt.getgraphindex('byident') // 1b. wait index availability if ( idx.getindexstatus(idkey).equals(schemastatus.installed) ) { mgmt.awaitgraphindexstatus(graph, 'byident').status(schemastatus.registered).call() }
mgmt = graph.openmanagement() idkey = mgmt.getpropertykey('ident') idx = mgmt.getgraphindex('byident') // wait index availability if ( idx.getindexstatus(idkey).equals(schemastatus.installed) ) { mgmt.commit() mgmt.awaitgraphindexstatus(graph, 'byident').status(schemastatus.registered).call() } else { mgmt.commit() }
use enable_index
not: mgmt.updateindex(mgmt.getgraphindex('byident'), schemaaction.reindex).get()
rather: mgmt.updateindex(mgmt.getgraphindex('byident'),schemaaction.enable_index).get()