java - Spring Cloud Config Server - properties not being returned -

this question related post. approach seemed work earlier today seeing below response instead of seeing properties defined properties file -

{ "name": "order-service" "profiles": [1] 0:  "dev-v1" - "label": null "version": "0299eae906ee10555b68bd1bfe36bd390728969e" "propertysources": [0] } 

i see empty propertysources.

below defined in application.yml

spring:   cloud:     config:       server:         git:           uri:           username: ordersvc           password: ordersvc           search-paths: order-service,v* 

the github url has 2 folders v1 , v2 have file

please can let me know missing? thanks.


i changed application.yml below:

spring:   cloud:     config:       server:         git:           uri:           username: ordersvc           password: ordersvc           search-paths: order-service/v* 

now see below when using endpoint http://localhost:8080/order-service/dev. how can see specific endpoint's data (say v1 or v2)?

{ "name": "order-service" "profiles": [1] 0:  "dev" - "label": null "version": "693378d4145cca50e38d5b9e39afbe1a3b334c6c" "propertysources": [2] 0:  { "name": "" "source": { "key3": "value3" "key2": "value2" "key1": "value1" }- }- 1:  { "name": "" "source": { "key3": "value3" "key2": "value2" "key1": "value1" } }     } 

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