java - Screen Size auto adjust -

so in process of making game, , want make easy screen sizes can use it. don't know how this, have set default resolution 1600 x 900. if guys know how can make adjustable sizes appreciate :)

i have through code don't know have make work, if need more information on problem ask.

many thanks,


package net.captainash123.minitale;  import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*;  import javax.swing.*;  import java.util.*;  public class main extends applet implements runnable {     private static final long serialversionuid = 1l;      public static byte pixelsize = 5;      public static int movefromborder = 0;     public static double sx = movefromborder, sy = movefromborder;     public static double dir = 0;      public static int width = 1600;     public static int height = 900;      public int timer = 0;     public byte movingtimer = 0;      public static dimension realsize;     public static dimension size = new dimension(1600, 900);     public static dimension pixel = new dimension(size.width / pixelsize, size.height / pixelsize);      public static point mse = new point(0, 0);      public static string name = "minitale: beta - 1.1.3";     public static string deathtext = "you died";      public static boolean isrunning = false;     public static boolean ismoving = false;     public static boolean isjumping = false;     public static boolean ismouseleft = false;     public static boolean ismouseright = false;      private image screen;      public int fps;     public int totaltime;      public static level level;     public static character character;     public static inventory inventory;      public static craftingtable craftingtable;     public static sky sky;     public static checker checker;     public static arraylist<mob> mob = new arraylist<mob>();      public main() {         setpreferredsize(size);          addkeylistener(new listening());         addmouselistener(new listening());         addmousemotionlistener(new listening());         addmousewheellistener(new listening());          }       public void start() {         requestfocus();          //defining objects etc.         new tile(); //loading images.         level = new level();         character = new character(tile.tilesize, tile.tilesize * 2);         inventory = new inventory();         craftingtable = new craftingtable();         furnace furnace = new furnace();         sky = new sky();         checker = new checker();         //mob.add(new zombie(50, 10, tile.tilesize, tile.tilesize * 2, tile.zombie));         //mob.add(new p2(60, 10, tile.tilesize, tile.tilesize * 2, tile.p2));         //mob.add(new turtle(40, 10, tile.tilesize  * 2, tile.tilesize, tile.turtle));         mob.add(new chicken(40, 10, tile.tilesize, tile.tilesize, tile.chicken));         mob.add(new pig(60, 10, tile.tilesize, tile.tilesize, tile.pig));          //starting game loop.         isrunning = true;         new thread(this).start();     }      public void stop() {         isrunning = false;     }      private static jframe frame;     public static void main(string args[]) {         main component = new main();          frame = new jframe();         frame.add(component);         frame.seticonimage(new imageicon("assets/textures/gui/gameicon.png").getimage());         frame.pack();          realsize = new dimension(frame.getwidth(), frame.getheight());          frame.settitle(name);         frame.setresizable(true);         frame.setlocationrelativeto(null);         frame.setdefaultcloseoperation(jframe.exit_on_close);         frame.setvisible(true);          component.start();     }      public void tick() {         if(frame.getwidth() != realsize.width || frame.getheight() != realsize.height) {             frame.pack();         }         character.tick();         level.tick((int) sx, (int) sy, (pixel.width / tile.tilesize) + 2, (pixel.height / tile.tilesize) + 2);         sky.tick();         checker.tick();         craftingtable.checkrecipes();         furnace.checkrecipes();          for(int = 0; < mob.toarray().length; i++) {             mob.get(i).tick();         }     }      public void render() {         graphics g = screen.getgraphics();          //drawing things. //102, 178, 255 blue sky.         sky.render(g);          level.render(g, (int) sx, (int) sy, (pixel.width / tile.tilesize) + 2, (pixel.height / tile.tilesize) + 2);         character.render(g);         for(int = 0; < mob.toarray().length; i++) {             mob.get(i).render(g);         }         inventory.render(g);         craftingtable.render(g);         furnace.render(g);          if(character.isdead) {             g.setcolor(; //255, 0 ,0, 50             g.fillrect(0, 0, width, height);             g.setcolor(color.white);             g.setfont(new font("calibri", font.bold, 24));             g.drawstring(deathtext, 116, 150);         }          if(timer < 270) {             timer++;             movingtimer++;             g.setcolor(color.white);             g.fillrect(0, 0, width, height);             if(movingtimer > 10) {             }             if(movingtimer > 20){                 movingtimer = 0;             }             g.setcolor(new color(108, 108, 108));             g.setfont(new font("calibri", font.bold, 24));             g.drawstring("minitale", width / 16 + 16, height / 8 + 30);             g.drawimage(tile.splash, width / 32 + 34, height / 32 - 40, null);         }          g = getgraphics();          g.drawimage(screen, 0, 0, size.width, size.height, 0, 0, pixel.width, pixel.height, null);         g.dispose();      }      public void run() {         screen = createvolatileimage(pixel.width, pixel.height);          int frames = 0;         double nonprocessedseconds = 0;         long previoustime = system.nanotime();         double secondspertick = 1 / 60.0;         int tickcount = 0;         boolean hasticked = false;         int totaltime = 0;          while(isrunning) {             long currenttime = system.nanotime();             long passedtime = currenttime - previoustime;             previoustime = currenttime;             nonprocessedseconds += passedtime / 1000000000.0;              while(nonprocessedseconds > secondspertick) {                 tick();                 nonprocessedseconds -= secondspertick;                 hasticked = true;                 tickcount++;                     if(tickcount % 60 == 0) {                         previoustime += 1000;                         fps = frames;                         frames = 0;                     }             }             if(hasticked) {                 frames++;             }             frames++;             requestfocus();             tick();             render();              try {                 thread.sleep(5);             } catch(exception e){ }         }     } } 

you can screen size toolkit.getscreensize() method.

see how can screen resolution in java?

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