Generate permutations of JavaScript array -
i have array of n different elements in javascript, know there n! possible ways order these elements. want know what's effective (fastest) algorithm generate possible orderings of array?
i have code:
var swap = function(array, frstelm, scndelm) { var temp = array[frstelm]; array[frstelm] = array[scndelm]; array[scndelm] = temp; } var permutation = function(array, leftindex, size) { var x; if(leftindex === size) { temp = ""; (var = 0; < array.length; i++) { temp += array[i] + " "; } console.log("---------------> " + temp); } else { for(x = leftindex; x < size; x++) { swap(array, leftindex, x); permutation(array, leftindex + 1, size); swap(array, leftindex, x); } } } arrcities = ["sidney", "melbourne", "queenstown"]; permutation(arrcities, 0, arrcities.length);
and works, guess swapping every item combinations bit expensive memory wise, thought way of doing focusing on indexes of array , getting permutations of numbers, i'm wondering if there's way of computing of them without having switch elements within array? guess recursively possible of them, need so.
so example if have:
arrcities = ["sidney", "melbourne", "queenstown"];
i want output be:
[[0,1,2], [0,2,1], [1,0,2], [1,2,0], [2,0,1], [2,1,0]]
i'm reading this:
but wikipedia has never been @ explaining. don't understand of it, have math level isn't best.
using heap's method (you can find in paper wikipedia article links to), can generate permutations of n elements runtime complexity in o(n!) , space complexity in o(n). algorithm based on swapping elements. afaik fast gets, there no faster method calculate permutations.
for implementation , examples, please have at recent answer @ related question "permutations in javascript".