linux - Directory does not exist, but clearly does -

i working on old coldfusion 11 application company , error stumping me. there following check inside .cfm:

<cffunction name="init"> <cfargument name="searchdir" required="yes" default="#replace(getdirectoryfrompath(getcurrenttemplatepath()),'/services','')#xml/">     <cfargument name="checkoutmode" required="no" default="protect">      <!--- library variables initialization --->     <cfset variables.libbasedir = arguments.searchdir>     <cfset variables.libcheckoutmode = arguments.checkoutmode>       <cfif not directoryexists(variables.libbasedir)>         <cfthrow message="the base document directory '#variables.libbasedir#' not exist!">     </cfif>     .... </cffunction> 

variable.libbasedir printed in error message as:


but directory follows (used pwd):


this works on windows server, not linux, sole purpose of doing this.

any ideas why throw error, thanks.

here ended using because "/" continued appended end of path no matter did.

<cfargument name="searchdir" required="yes" default="#replace(getdirectoryfrompath(getcurrenttemplatepath()),'services/','xml')#">  <cfset variables.libbasedir = left(arguments.searchdir, len(arguments.searchdir)-1)> 

so removed "/" @ end of path , fixed it.

thanks previous suggestions.

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