clojure - How do I choose/switch Leiningen profiles with Emacs nREPL? -

i have :dev profile set in leiningen project file. defines :init , :init-ns setting repl session. if launch nrepl in emacs (m-x nrepl-jack-in) cursor on :dev keyword in project.clj, repl launches , :init , :init-ns settings used. if have cursor elsewhere, initial namespace different (a test ns, not user), , :init hasn't been evaluated.

i'm guessing it's feature of sort, (i'm more inclined think it's random buggy behaviour now) can explain or point me @ docs so? also, there way change profile once repl's been launched?


contrary commenter @user7610 said, there no cider-jack-in-with-profile function in cider. cider pull-request #544 bit misleading in regard.

if want cider load own special-snowflake profile in emacs:

  • m-x set-variable cider-lein-parameters e.g. with-profile +my-special-snowflake repl :headless

or set variable interactively (so can see it's current value before changing it):

  • c-h, v cider-lein-parameters , click or hit enter on "customize" , set there e.g. with-profile +my-special-snowflake repl :headless , apply it

that'll cause next cider-jack-in load my-special-snowflake profile in addition base profile (which needed in order run nrepl , hence cider).